Hello everyone! I am now offering my own divination services for the public. I have decided to begin offering my divination services in order to better serve the community and offer a reliable method to those simply seeking answers. I am currently offering mostly cartomancy readings with different decks, but the diversity of my offerings will increase with time.
The decks that I use are:
Under the Roses Lenormand
Rider-Waite Tarot
Necronomicon Tarot
Lenormand Services
The Petite Lenormand is a deck composed of 36 cards, each one corresponding to a specific idea. The picture of the card itself is not interpreted as in tarot, but treated as a word in a sentence and thus read alongside other cards for context. They are wonderfully simple to work with and often produce really mundane and scarily true answers.
Grand Tableau $60: This spread uses every card of the lenormand deck, 36 cards in all. There are a few ways to lay this out, but I use the 9x4 model. That means nine columns and four rows of cards. The Grand Tableau is used to investigate every aspect of one’s life, the past, present, future, and the myriad of influences affecting your world. The spread can take anywhere from 40 minutes to two hours to read fully. It can be slightly modified to look at relationships or other questions when one needs a very broad picture to look at. The time frame of the spread is the next six months.
3x3 Past Present Future $10: One of the basic of spreads, this is basically nine cards laid out in 3 columns and 3 rows. The first row tells the past, the second the present, and the last row is the future. Influences, major themes, and the heart of the issue can all be read from this single thread.
9 card spread $10
3 Card spread $5
General Reading $20: This spread looks directly at your family, social, financial, love, and health. A major arcana card and a minor arcana card are drawn for each area of your life and interpreted alongside a card of fate which dictates the theme of the whole reading.
Past Present Future $15: A nine card spread similar to the Lenormand spread. Three cards are drawn for the past present and future and read accordingly.
Celtic Cross $15: The celtic cross is an immensely useful spread that can answer almost any question or give insight into any situation. The current situation, obstacles, past influences, immediate past/future, final future, etc are all revealed through this spread.
3 Card Spread $10
9 Card Spread $15
Tarot Lenormand Combo
Combining tarot and lenormand has given me a lot of useful insight in many of my readings, and so I am now going to offer them here.
Three Card (of each deck): I lay down 3 tarot cards and 3 lenormand cards and interpret them to answer your question. $12
Five card (of each deck): 5 cards from each deck are used to answer your question. $17
Relationship Spread $25: 13 lenormand and 13 tarot cards are pulled out to tell you the thoughts, hopes, qualities, and feelings of the two people involved in the relationship. 3 extra cards to look into the future of this relationship.
Adding Tarot to any Lenormand spread: I place down the lenormand cards in their normal spread, on top of tarot cards already laid out in that position. So nine lenormand cards on top of nine tarot cards, for example. This is the price of the lenormand spread plus half of its own price. So, for example, a grand tableau with tarot would cost $80.
These spreads may be used in two ways:
Blending Tarot and Lenormand. The definitions of these two cards become blurred and point to the same thing. For example, The Child + The Lovers, New Love.
Two sides of the same coin divination. In this manner, each deck is used to represent two different sides of the same question. Tarot will represent the inner journey of the asker, while the lenormand will tell us the hard facts of the story.
Note: All spreads will be photographed and sent to client at the email address they contact me with unless otherwise requested by the client. I will not send any by text, only email. All services are to be arranged through email and sent through paypal. I accept only paypal. Contact me at my work email damadelanoite@gmail.com. Thank you for reading!